Definition of Non-Local Students

According to the Education Bureau (EDB), holders of the following documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR are classified as “Non-local Students”:

- NLS1 Student visa / entry permit; or
- NLS2 Visa / Entry permit under the Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates; or
- NLS3 Dependant visa / entry permit (for students who were 18 years old or above when they were issued with such visa / entry permit by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR);

For the definition of "local student", please refer to the "local student" page.


Language requirement for Non-Local students
Non-Local applicants should be able to demonstrate his/her English and Chinese proficiency. Applicants can present documentary evidence which may include:


For English requirement:

A minimum of Level 3 in DSE English; or

A minimum of 5.5 IELTS; or
A minimum of 79 (internet-based) in TOEFL; or
Equivalent of the above*

*HKSYU will also consider English result a candidate attained from international public examination(including but not limited to IB/GCE/SAT)


Admission arrangements for Non-local Students

All Hong Kong Shue Yan University freshmen are required to take Chinese and Culture courses. For non-local students whose native language is not Chinese, they will be required to take Chinese culture subjects (taught in English) after admission to meet the University's language graduation requirements. 


In addition, for students of the following programmes which contain Chinese elements, including but not limited to Chinese Language and Culture, History, Social Work, and Professional Counseling, a degree of competence in Chinese writing and dialogue (including Cantonese) is required. The department may conduct interviews or written tests for non-Chinese speaking applicants (including international students) to ensure their eligibility for relevant subjects.


Visa Application 
According to regulations stipulated by the Immigration Department, non-local students who do not have the right of abode / right to land in Hong Kong are required to apply for a valid HKSAR student visa / entry permit through their Hong Kong institutions, which will take up the sponsorship for their studies in Hong Kong. HKSYU will assist those admitted students in applying for student visas / entry permits and paying the visa application fee in advance to the Immigration Department. Students need to pay the visa application fee to the Registry when reporting their arrival. After receiving the Hong Kong student visas / entry permits, students should apply for the Exit-Entry Permit in their household Public Security Bureaus. Persons with visitor visas are not allowed to study in Hong Kong.

Cost of Living
Generally, the cost of accommodation and basic living expenses for students studying in Hong Kong is approximately HKD $10,000 per month. The above estimate does not include the tuition fee and study fees such as school club and book fees. 

On-campus Accommodation
The University offers on-campus accommodation for non-local students. Due to limited residence places, there is no guarantee that all students will be granted a residence place during their studies.

Personal Accident and Medical Insurance/Travel Insurance
It is mandatory for all non-local students to have suitable and adequate insurance which should include but not limited to travel, personal accident, medical expenses (accident and non-accident), hospitalization and emergency evacuation/repatriation throughout the entire period of their studies in Hong Kong.

Understanding Integrity in Seconds
To instantly understand the integrity culture of Hong Kong and the application of anti-corruption laws in school admission and other aspects of daily life, please visit the “Understanding Integrity in Seconds (秒懂廉政)” webpage of the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong.

For more information about assistance for non-local students, please click here.


Application Information for Mainland applicants

Gaokao applicants please click here to know more. 

For non-Gaokao mainland candidates, please click here to select your qualifications and view the relevant application details.

Please click here to apply our programmes.