Definition of Local Students
According to the Education Bureau (EDB), holders of the following documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR are classified as "Local Students":

- LS1 Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card; or
- LS2 Documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR showing right to land / right of abode in Hong Kong; or
- LS3 One-way Permit for entry to Hong Kong; or
- LS4 Full-time employment visa / work permit; or
- LS5 Dependant visa / entry permit (for students who were below 18 years old when they were issued with such visa / entry permit by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR); or
- LS6 Visa / Entry permit for Quality Migrant Admission Scheme; or
- LS7 Visa / Entry permit for Capital Investment Entrant Scheme; or
- LS8 Visa / Entry permit for Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents; or
- LS9 Visa label for unconditional stay

Language requirement for Non-Chinese-Speaking local students


1. Admission arrangements for Non-Chinese Speaking Students taking the HKDSE

The definition of Non-Chinese speaking students is based on the definition of the Education Bureau, it meets the following specific conditions: (a) learned Chinese Language for less than 6 years while receiving primary and secondary education; or (b) learned Chinese Language for 6 years or more in schools, but have been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in our local schools.


HKSYU allows NCS applicant to use one of the following alternative qualifications for fulling the Chinese Language requirements:

 Grade D in GCE AL/AS level in Chinese; or

• Grade E/grade 3 or above in GCSE/IGCSE Chinese; or
• Attained level or above in Applied Learning Chinese*; or
• Equivalent of the above

• NCS students attaining the above Chinese qualification can be regarded as attaining Level 3 in Chinese and use this score in the calculation of the Best 5 Score. 
*ApL Chinese cannot be used as an elective subject. 


2. Recommended Progammes for NCS Students

• Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Programme

• Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Law and Business Programme

• Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology Programme

• Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Sociology Programme


Admission Arrangements for Local Students with Other Academic Qualifications

Generally speaking, applicants who hold Hong Kong permanent resident status and study overseas will be regarded as local overseas students. Those who do not hold local permanent resident status will be regarded as non-local students. For the definition of "Non-local students", please refer to the "Non-local students" page.

Please note that all Hong Kong Shue Yan University freshmen are required to take Chinese Language and Culture courses. For local students whose native language is not Chinese, they will be required to take relevant Chinese culture subjects (taught in English) after admission to meet the university's language graduation requirements.


Students studying the following programmes with Chinese elements, including but not limited to Chinese Language and Culture, History, Social Work, Professional Counseling and Chinese-English translation, must have a certain level of Chinese writing and language ability (including Cantonese). The department may conduct interviews or written tests for non-Chinese speaking (including international students) applicants to ensure that they are suitable for taking relevant subjects.


Understanding Integrity in Seconds

To instantly understand the integrity culture of Hong Kong and the application of anti-corruption laws in school admission and other aspects of daily life, please visit the “Understanding Integrity in Seconds (秒懂廉政)” webpage of the Independent Commission Against Corruption of Hong Kong.