2024 SYU's Latest Admissions Procedures  


1. 2024/2025 Admission Procedures

1. Latest Registration Notice


Please refer to the following HKSYU's admission and registration dates



HKDSE Results Release Date

July 17, 2024 (Wed)

HKSYU Enrolment Deposit Payment period

July 17 (Wed) to 22 (Mon), 2024 (except Sunday)

JUPAS Results Release Date

August 7, 2024 (Wed)

All HKSYU Undergraduate Programmes (except SSSDP Fintech Programme) Registration Period

August 7 (Wed) to 8 (Thurs), 2024

SSSDP Fintech Programme (JSSY01) Registration Date

August 13 (Tue), 2024



2. Latest Application and Registration Procedures


Applied via E-APP or

HKSYU application routes

(incl. online portal, education booths, secondary school talks)







Never applied before/ Unsuccessful application*

With "Conditional  Offer Letter"


Successfully fulfilled the conditions and requirements


Fail to meet the conditions/ Do not accept the offer

Successful candidates can accept the offer by following the steps below 

(July 17-22):


1) Submit below required documents via HKSYU Online Admissions and Application System 

a.    HKSYU's conditional acceptance letter

b. Copy of HKDSE result slip (Private candidate should also upload your admission form with your candidate number for verification)

c. Copy of HKID


2)    Pay the enrolment deposit after receiving the official acceptance letter to reserve the study place. 


Registration on Aug 7 -8, 2024

Students can choose one of the days to register in person


Students can apply again in the following periods:


First round:

9:00am - 6:00pm, July 17, 2024

9:00 am - 5:00pm (1:00am - 2:00pm lunch hour), July 18-20, 2024


  Second round: (Limited quotas)

July 22- August 31, 2024

Please visit UAO website for latest information



Successful candidates will be issued an official acceptance letter, please accept the offer and finish the registration procedures stated in the application account.



Please note that the above dates are subjected to change. If further changes have been made by the Education Bureau/JUPAS Office, HKSYU will notify the students of the latest admission and registration dates via the website of the University Admissions Office accordingly.


*In addition to in-person application, students can apply and confirm acceptance via our online platform (except those who do not meet minimum entry requirements)










With official acceptance letter and enrolment deposit paid










Applied via

HKSYU Online Platform








Never applied before/

Unsuccessful application



 With "Conditional  Offer Letter"





fulfilled the conditions and requirements

(Year 1, 2 & 3 entry)






Fail to meet

the conditions

(Year 2, 3 entry)





Do not accept

the offer



Applicants should upload the final transcripts via the 

SYU Application System. An official acceptance letter will be issued to successful applicants.




Applicants should upload the final transcript via the SYU Application System for reconsideration of Year 1 / Year 2 admissions (if applicable)






Students can re-apply again from 

now to August 31




Successful candidates with an official acceptance letters should login to the SYU Application System to confirm the offer and pay the enrolment deposit to reserve the study place

(Applicable for applicants who received the acceptance before July 18, 2024)


Applicants should do the registration and pay the tuition fee of the first semester on campus and in person on either July 18 or 19. 

If the admission date is after July 19, please finish in-person on-campus registration within two days after admission. 

For details, please refer to the email notice sent by the University Admissions Office


Documents required for registration:

1. HKSYU's acceptance letter

2. Copy of HKID

3. Full Associate Degree or Higher Diploma transcript with all semesters and grades (including the final semester) and the graduation status shown, and graduation certificate (if applicable)

4. Other application documents including application forms of the government financial assistance schemes


Please note that the above dates are subject to change, applicants should visit the UAO's website for latest news before registration.




Non-means-tested Subsidy Scheme for Self-financing Undergraduate Studies in Hong Kong (NMTSS) (For Local Students only)


Starting from the 2017/18 academic year, the Government provides a non-means-tested annual subsidy for eligible students pursuing full-time locally-accredited local and non-local self-financing undergraduate (including top-up degree) programmes in Hong Kong (save for those enrolled in places already supported under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors) offered by eligible institutions. All undergraduate programmes offered by Hong Kong Shue Yan University are eligible for subsidy under the NMTSS.  More details are located at:  https://www.cspe.edu.hk/tc/nmt/index.html


The following students are NOT eligible for subsidy: 

Non-local students/Students holding a degree or above/Students pursuing publicly-funded degree or sub-degree programmes (e.g. University Grants Committee (UGC)-funded programmes, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA)-funded programmes or subsidised places under the Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP)) are not eligible to apply for financial assistance.


3. Bad Weather Arrangement 


In case of adverse weather during the DSE result release day and the new student registration period for Non-JUPAS local students, please refer to the arrangements below. For the other dates, please pay attention to the announcements made on the UAO's and the University's websites. Due to the rapid changes in the rainstorm signals, all arrangements are subject to the announcement made on this website on the day of the event.  


  Time Condition Arrangement
On the DSE Result Release Day:

At or before 5:00 a.m. on 17 July

Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is in force.

-Waiting for the notification from HKEAA.

-Keep in view of the announcements made on the UAO website.


After 1:00 p.m. on 

17 July


Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is still in force. -The original arrangements for 17 July will be postponed to 18 July.

On or before 1 p.m. on

17 July

Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled.

-All work will be resumed within 2 hours*. 

-Opening hours of the UAO office will be extended to 7:00 p.m.

New Student Registration Period for Non JUPAS Local Students:

After 1:00 p.m. on 

18 or 19 July

Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is still in force. -The original arrangement will be postponed by one day.

On or before 1 p.m. on 18 or 19 July

Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is cancelled.

-All working units will be resumed within 2 hours*. 

-Opening hours of the UAO office will be extended to 7:00 p.m.

*Since road traffic may be seriously affected due to adverse weather conditions, normal University's operations may not be fully restored after the cancellation of signals and the reopening of campus. In this case, students who have arrived on campus please stay patient. In addition, students should consider the road conditions before departure. The University welcomes students to apply for and confirm their places online.
If during opening hours:
1. Typhoon Signal No. 8 is in force, the campus will be closed.
2. Black Rainstorm Warning is in force, all students on campus will not be affected.
3. If the HKDSE result release day is postponed to July 18, the deadline for paying the enrollment deposit will also be extended by one day to 23 July.
4. If HKDSE results release day is postponed to July 18, the first round of registration for new SYU students (July 18 and 19) will also be postponed by one day to July 19 and 20.

4. Special office hours during admissions


Date Time
July 17  9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
July 18-22 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. (except Sunday)

5. Contact and enquiries


TEL: 2881 7226 (special line for 17 - 19 Jul Only) & 2570 7110 
Whatsapp: 3008 0470
EMAIL: admit@hksyu.edu
WEBSITE: https://uao.hksyu.edu/en/home