2. 探索中國歷史與傳統文化
Exploring Chinese History and Traditional Culture
This lecture will examine the transmission and development of Chinese history and traditional culture, introducing the key aspects of Chinese funeral customs. Furthermore, it will explore the cultural significance of traditional filial piety and the hierarchical ethical order in contemporary society.
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3. 理解人類行為:心理學概念與心理輔導的應用入門
Understanding Human Behavior: An Introduction to Psychological Concepts and Their Counseling Applications
介紹心理學的基礎概念,例如生物心理學、認知心理學、行為心理學、人本主義等等。 簡要探討這些概念如何應用於輔導,例如使用認知行為技巧來應對負面思維模式,或應用人本主義原則來促進自我成長。
The field of psychology encompasses various foundational concepts for understanding human behaviour, cognition, and emotions. Biological psychology examines the physiological basis of mental processes. Cognitive psychology focuses on mental processes like perception and memory. Behavioural psychology emphasizes environmental factors in shaping behaviour. Humanistic perspective emphasizes individual potential and subjective experience. These concepts have practical applications in counselling; for example, cognitive-behavioural techniques help modify negative thought patterns and behaviours. Humanistic approaches create a supportive environment for self-exploration. In conclusion, psychology's diverse perspectives offer complementary insights into human functioning, enabling more effective interventions and support for individuals' mental health and personal growth.
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4. 數據科學和人工智慧在現代社會中的角色
The Role of Data Science and AI in Modern Society
Data is essential in data science and AI, transforming sectors like healthcare, finance, and retail. In healthcare, predictive analytics improve patient outcomes, while finance uses algorithms for fraud detection. AI-powered chatbots enhance our modern lives from diverse perspectives. This lecture prepares students to understand real-world challenges, drive innovation, and address ethical considerations in data usage, ensuring their readiness for the evolving demands of the field.
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5. 媒體傳播及虛擬實境科技:廣告與新聞採訪
Media Communication with Immersive Technology: Understanding Advertising and News Reporting
The lecture aims at providing an overview of the media communication profession in the digital era. By using immersive technology, students can have hands-on experiences in playing two immersive technology games: 1) TV News VR (virtual reality) game about media ethics and 2) an advergame with AR (augmented reality) technology. By exploring the topics of media ethics and advergame, students will have a basic understanding of the key concepts of digital journalism and advertising, as well as the significance of technology in the industry of media communication.
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6. 商業基礎:創造性思維與創新
Business Foundations: Creative Thinking and Innovation
本課程旨在介紹創造性思維和創新過程的基本原則,這些是創業和企業家精神的前導。學生將學習Zig-Zag技巧,以培養創造性習慣和好奇心思維。課程還涵蓋六頂思考帽 (Six-hat Thinking)、戰略思維 (Strategic Thinking) 和順序思維 (Sequence Thinking)。最後,課程將介紹商業提案演示技巧,教導學生如何有效地推銷商業計劃。
This class aims to introduce the essential principles of creative thinking and innovative processes, which are pre-cursors to start-ups and entrepreneurs. Students will learn Zig-Zag techniques to develop a creative habit and curious mindset. Students will also learn Six-hat Thinking, Strategic Thinking and Sequential Thinking. This class will conclude by covering business presentation techniques to pitch business proposals.
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7. AI 時代的中文學習
Learning Chinese in the Era of AI
課程將聚焦三個核心問題。第一是「為甚麼」:在 AI 技術快速發展的背景下,為甚麼我們還要學習中文? 第二是、「學甚麼」:在 AI 的輔助下,我們應該專注於哪些語文技能?第三是「如何學」:如何善用 AI 來提升的中文水平?
The course addresses three essential questions. First, 'why' - in the era of AI, what makes Chinese language learning still relevant and necessary? Second, 'what' - which specific language skills should be prioritized when working alongside AI tools? Third, 'how ' - what are the most effective ways to harness AI technology for improving Chinese language proficiency?"
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8. 語言的力量:探索溝通的運作方式
What is language? A Dive into How We Communicate
What does it really mean to study language or linguistics? Is it just about speaking multiple languages or being good at English? This class explores how language shapes identity, evolves over time, and connects people in different ways. From everyday slang and accents to multilingualism and digital communication, we will look at the hidden patterns behind how we speak and interact. Through discussions and interactive activities, students will gain a deeper understanding of linguistics as a field that goes beyond words, revealing the intricate relationship between language and society.
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9. 香港的少數族裔: 社會認同與污名化
The ethnical minorities in Hong Kong: Social identity and social stigma
Hong Kong is an international city where the East meets the West. Over the past few decades, many foreigners and international expats have come to Hong Kong for long-term development. This lecture will use the Social Identity Theory and Social Stigma Theory as the lens to explore the social problems of ethnical minorities in Hong Kong, particularly their challenges and identities. The results of this lecture allow students to understand how to interact with people from different backgrounds together in the same sociocultural environment.
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10. 香港歷史古蹟與文化旅遊
Hong Kong’s Historical Heritage and Cultural Tourism
This course will adopt an interdisciplinary teaching approach to introduce Hong Kong’s historical monuments, examine their cultural heritage value, and explore the relationship between heritage conservation and the development of cultural tourism, thereby facilitating a comprehensive discussion on the sustainable development of historical monuments.
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11. 遊戲學導論:數字遊戲與遊戲化
Introduction to Ludology: Digital Games and Gamification
This class aims to serve as an introduction to ludology (i.e. the study of games) by examining the implications of cultural, social and economic factors on the digital game industry. This class will explore the industry from three perspectives: developer, player and spectator. This class will also discuss relevant topics, including game designs, game mechanics and the eSport phenomenon. Students will also visit the Virtual Reality Lab for a first-hand gamification experience.
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12. 文字遊戲:跨越傳統與數位空間的創意英語
Playing with Words: Creative English Across Traditional and Digital Spaces
在三個小時的互動中,該工作坊將為中學教師和學生介紹學術語境中的英語的創造性使用。從露琵.考爾(Rupi Kaur)在Instagram上發表的詩作到數位化文體,參與者將透過探索多樣的文本形式來檢視日常語言中創造力的體現。通過小型講座及實踐活動,該工作坊將探討莫里斯·桑達克(Maurice Sendak)作品《野獸國》中的圖文關聯、卡羅爾(Carroll)《老鼠的故事》中語言的象似性,以及類似「沒有Wi-fi,為何飛行?」這類廣告標語中的語言創造力。於此工作坊,參與者將體驗大學課堂形式的教學分析,培養解讀創意文本的實際能力,在感受大學學習的氛圍的同時收獲適用於中學教育的有效方法。在三個小時的互動中,該工作坊將為中學教師和學生介紹學術語境中的英語的創造性使用。從露琵.考爾(Rupi Kaur)在Instagram上發表的詩作到數位化文體,參與者將透過探索多樣的文本形式來檢視日常語言中創造力的體現。通過小型講座及實踐活動,該工作坊將探討莫里斯·桑達克(Maurice Sendak)作品《野獸國》中的圖文關聯、卡羅爾(Carroll)《老鼠的故事》中語言的象似性,以及類似「沒有Wi-fi,為何飛行?」這類廣告標語中的語言創造力。於此工作坊,參與者將體驗大學課堂形式的教學分析,培養解讀創意文本的實際能力,在感受大學學習的氛圍的同時收獲適用於中學教育的有效方法。
This interactive three-hour session introduces secondary school teachers and students to creative English in academic contexts. Participants will explore diverse text forms—from Rupi Kaur's Instapoetry to digital genres—examining how creativity manifests in everyday language. Through mini-lectures and hands-on activities, the workshop investigates word-image relationships in Maurice Sendak's "Where the Wild Things Are," iconicity in Carroll's "The Mouse's Tale," and linguistic creativity in advertising slogans like "Why fly without Wi-fi?" Participants will engage in university-style analysis while developing practical skills for interpreting creative texts, providing both a taste of university study and applicable techniques for secondary education.
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