香港樹仁大學 英國語言文學系兒童文學講座










The Department of English Language and Literature is organizing a children’s literature seminar: “Children’s Literature, Language, and City”, on the 5th of November 2022. We have invited six guest speakers, Prof. Andrea Mei-Ying Wu, Dr. Faye Dorcas Yung Schwendeman, Prof. Eddie Tay, Ms. Clairine Chan, Ms. Connie Yuen (Maoshan), and Ms. Nga Man Wong. They are going through topics related to education, visual and textual narratives, publishing, creative writing, and particular, language and city. 17 students, including students of English and other departments, are also having their poster presentations in the event. With a wide range of topics provided in the discussions, the seminar are providing our teachers and students some insights into the professional study of children’s literature. 


Date: 5 Nov 2022 

Time: 10am - 4pm 

Venue: RLB303 

Guest Speakers: Prof. Andrea Mei-Ying Wu, Dr. Faye Dorcas Yung Schwendeman, Prof. Eddie Tay, Ms. Clairine Chan, Ms. Connie Yuen (Maoshan) and Ms. Nga Man Wong
Registration: click here  


仁大英國語言文學系 | 2022年10月27日 (只提供英文版)